Looking for opinion, Cary 303/300, thinking about

I am looking into a new cd player in the past I have alwas had a cheap source now it is time to get a better one. I am running Vandersteen 5a, tube AR sp16 pre amp and Quicksilver v4 tube amps. I am considering the cary 303/300 CD player. Any other sugestions, I am having a hard time swalling 4g for a cd player but I do want something to match the level of the system. Has anyone listened to this player is it a good investnment.
I recently auditioned the 303-300 and the Musical Fidelity A5 at the same time (with Pathos TT int. and Audio Physic Tempos). Prefered the A5. It had more air and dimensionality and was just more coherent and musical. The Cary overemphasized the bass and had a less natural tonality. Tried SS & tube outputs with all the upsampling rates. It is a very good player but I found the A5 to be better at $1500 less.
A cd player is never a "good investment", especially if you buy one based on others opinions. All high-end machines have their own unique sound. I own the Cary and have owned ARC, Classe, Wadia, Naim, Rotel, Marantz and heard dozens of others. They all sound very different from one another. Go out and listen first is my advice.
Reb1208, of those players that you tried which, to your ears, was the most analog/warm? I recently tried the 303/200 in my system and was disappointed by how bright it was...
I think the 300 is a different animal from the 200. I much prefer the sound of the 300, not fully broken in, to the 200. Smoother up top and the option to switch between tube and ss ouput, as well as upsample at differing levels makes this one flexible player. YMMV, but to me this is an improvement on the Cary house sound, which I like.
I hope you don't mind me jumping in to answer your question. I've heard all of the players mentioned except the ARC, and found the Resolution Opus 21 to be warmer than any of them, with Naim a close second.
Just my two cents...and back to the Cary matter at hand.