Best Acoustically Untreated Room You Have Heard?

I have been researching room acoustics again in an effort to improve the sound of my system. Most webites give general information on the basics (resonance and reflection control) and some examples of properly treated rooms. The problem is that most of these rooms are just plain ugly (room with eleven tube traps) and involve too many compromises.

I'm curious to know if anybody has heard a stereo system in a room that did not have any (or very little) acoustic treatment that sounded fantastic. And more importantly, what factors contributed to that sound? I suppose that the furnishings acted as diffusers and absorbers, but what were they? Or maybe it was the shape/composition of the room and or ceiling?

Thank you in advance for any input.
The Totem Winds at Surround Sounds in Exton PA. Best speaker I have heard in an untreated room. Very expressive, tremendous imaging and soundstage.
My living room, I would kill for the sound I used to get in my living room. It had windows, stairs, furniture and knick nacks all over the place. I just got my system situated in my new dedicated room and it is horrible, the only way I can listen is to sit about 6ft from the speakers with them in the middle of the room. Stehno is sure right about the room contributing more to the sound than the system itself. My new room as it sits could have a million dollar system and it wouldn't matter. I guess I'm gonna have to go the ugly room treatment route.
This may sound dumb but the sound was improved in my system when I went from a sofa to a leather Lazy Boy. The Lazy Boy is the biggest they have and has a back that is 8" above my ears and is 38" wide. I had a very bright node 6" behind my head with the sofa, but with the Lazy Boy I can recline into that node area and it sounds smooth and natural. I figure it's all the over stuffing at each side of my ear and the fact that back reflections are absorbed and defused by the back side of the chair.

Also I have a number of wool rugs on a wood floor. Rug on rug, this is a very atractive way to deaden the bright floor. Wool curtains, full length even if the window is shorter. Wool curtains over a wall with Corning fiber board behind it, much like a movie theater (I have not done this in my house, but for a basement situation it would work good. I have installed this in a couple home theaters I've designed and it looks great, it's a great way to add color and texture to a room)

Hey guys, i have my system in my bedroom. I have to sit 6 ft from speakers, about 7 ft between them. I have the speakers 2 1/2 from the back wall. I have heavily deadened the whole back wall with perdue acoustic rockwool panels. Does this sound like i'm optimizing the room?
Streetdaddy, try looking at the Acoustic Sciences website for some basic information/theory on room acoustics. Typically, "deadening" the entire wall might be a bit much and a combination of deadening (especially in the corners) and diffusion works better. If you can try deadening the reflection points on the side and front walls as well.