Best Isolation Device for Speakers?

Has anyone had a chance to directly compare different speaker isolation tweaks? I am wondering because of the recent thread on the Sistrum stand. I know that many of these things have been discussed in other posts, but there is not alot of direct comparison among them. I suspect that most of these are excellent, so if anyone has some information on their specific sonic impact, that would be helpful. I have a pair of Thiel 7.2s. Some of the ones I am considering:

Aurios Pro
Sistrum Speaker Stand
Mana Speaker Stand

I went throught the same ''search'' about a year ago.....I own a pair of Avalon Eclipe's and as a result of new Berber carpeting in my listening room, the spikes that were supplied by Avalon just didn't raise the speakers up off of the floor enough. Which can be a problem, it is my understanding that some of ''these'' floor standing speakers SHOULD NOT be raised up that high because of their design and the listening height. Comments on that would be apreciated, because I have heard that putting a slab of Polycrystal under them helps greatly .....Anyway, I believe that ''decoupling'' is the answer and I went with the 2'' Audipoints and they did improve the sound and seem to be the right height
Rob, go to Speak to Robert over there. He's the master coupler. Try the stuff. If your tympanics are not amazed, he'll take the whole thing back. Whattaya got to lose? Read the white paper on the site. You will not be disappointed-you'll be amazed. peace, warren
Rollerblock Jrs. work well for me. Sharper attack transients, tighter bass, larger soundstage, enhanced intrumental tone/harmonics/reverb.
I have to admit being a bit confused about this subject. I recently replaced the spikes on my Alon Circe's with a set of Walker Valid points and Resonance discs. The discs are sitting on a 3/4 inch piece of MDF which rests on carpet above a wood floor (basement below). The improvement has been substantial, which I attribute to the speaker not vibrating with the floor. In particular, the imaging is more precise and the bass is tighter. Musical details are clearer.

But I've been told different things about whether I should use a maple block below the speaker or a softer wood like redwood or pine. The theory for the latter is that the softer wood would remove more vibrations from the speaker.
Any ideas?

My listening room is in a late 19th century house with suspended wood floors. The loudspeakers are sited upon 2" thick maple platforms which in turn sit on top of Aurios 1.2s. For a little over $500 it turned out to be a very worthwhile tweak.

Regarding coupling vs. decoupling, I don't see how if I solidly couple any object to another object how "energy" is only drained in one direction. Specifically, if I couple my speakers to the floor and the floor vibrates, then won't some of that vibration get transmitted into the speaker?