Modern day equivalent of KEF 104.2s?

I am need of some advice. I have a pair of 90's vintage bi-wired Kef 104.2s that I've enjoyed the past three years. The are a very musical speaker, great for the type of rock and jazz to which I listen, and are forgiving of poor source material. They are not, however, the last word in detail or accurate bass.

For those familiar with the 104.2s, what current production speakers would you recommend that would be the equivalent of the Kefs with perhaps better detail, tighter and more accurate bass, yet no less musical?
I would guess a properly set up B&W 801 sreies 2 or 3 would do well.......Had a pair for many years. I also always liked the KEF 104/2s ( almost bought a pair myself ). The B&W matrix 801 series will give you all you need to improve from the KEFs ..Good luck
Sonus Faber Grand Piano's come to mind. like the Kef's..a 4 ohm speaker but with better definition across the freq. range. and better imaging, smooth sounding speaker. I suggest a search and see what you come across. ;)
I used to love those Kef speakers. In their day, they were awesome. Both of the above are good suggestions. I'd also consider a Audio Physic Virgo II for a little less money (+/- $2500) or Watt Puppy 6's for a little more $$'s (+/- 10k). Room size and other equipment need to be considered. Feel free to provide some more info...