Modern day equivalent of KEF 104.2s?

I am need of some advice. I have a pair of 90's vintage bi-wired Kef 104.2s that I've enjoyed the past three years. The are a very musical speaker, great for the type of rock and jazz to which I listen, and are forgiving of poor source material. They are not, however, the last word in detail or accurate bass.

For those familiar with the 104.2s, what current production speakers would you recommend that would be the equivalent of the Kefs with perhaps better detail, tighter and more accurate bass, yet no less musical?
Soliloquy, Vienna Acoustics, and Vandersteen all have several models that have an overall warm character that is similar to the old Kef sound. I like the Soliloquy 6.5 (own), Vienna Acoustics Beethoven, and Vandersteen 3A. The Soliloquy 6.5 has a very clean and deep bass with a lot of impact. It requires a fairly large room, though, or the bass can overload the room.

Dynaudio Contour S 3.4 or Audience 82, Spendor S9e, Tannoy TD- 10, Thiel CS2.4 and Proac Response D25.

I might be off in left field on this,but I listen to generally the same type and other tyoes of music and I would look to trying Metal Driver Technolgy speakers like Acoustic Energy AE-1's or similar speaerks as they excel in transparency and Bass presentation.

Good luck!
Thanks for all the comments

Soliloquy and Vandersteen are already on my list. I'm surprised at the mention of Sonus Faber and Vienna Acoustics. From what I understand these are pretty "warm" speakers (some would say staid) that excel at, say, classical music and vocals, but aren't the best choice for rock music (stuff like Radiohead, Wilco, Flaming Lips, etc). The Kefs, while on the warm side of neutral, are to my ears hardly warm and romantic sounding.

Panny, by "Metal Driver Technology" I assume you mean aluminum dome tweeters? If so, I already have a HT consisting of Paradigm Reference Studio speakers. They are fine for watching DVDs but aren't to my liking on 2-channel music.
Texsun, the upper models of Vienna do sound kind of over-ripe, but the Beethovens are, like you say, just on the warm side of neutral. I'm not sure they have the kind of slam you want but they are worth an audition. You might like Aerials also (lots of slam), but you have to be careful with system matching or the tweeters can be a little bright.