What's the best mid-range driver available?

I'm thinking of trying the DIY route for a pair of full-range speakers. In your opinion, what is the BEST mid-range driver available and the best place to buy it?
Thanks for all your comments for the tweeter!
Thanks and happy listening!
I don't think you follow me. Why should i invest in a superior amp and then have the output channeled into a speaker amp??? You are sending the music through too many pathways... superior amp + superior digital + superior drivers + superior xover = ? (lets keep the money factor within reason..15 is way more than necessary)
i think you mmight be misunderstanding the path. you don't need to invest in ANY amp. it's part of the speaker. source --> preamp --> speaker.

you don't need an external amp. period. active speakers can't use external amplification.

15 being way more than is necessary is strictly a matter of opinion. you won't change my mind, i won't change yours.

in absolute terms, if something sounds just a little bit better than another product, but costs 100,000 dollars more, the fact remains that it sounds better.
Your point is valid. The local audio club heard a $70K system and most walked away dissapointed at the sound, speakers especially. I agree there are speakers out there at $15 to $50K that are worth all those Washingtons. Now as for your amp driven drivers???, i prefer to have my tube amp supplying the power. The circuits in the speaker amps i doubt can out perform the circuits in my tube amps. Oh by the way i'm not looking for BIG sound. Just enough to fill my room with a superior quality. I would love to compare your Atc speakers, with a 3 way Skaaning 10 + Skaaning 4 + Philips RSQ8P/11.
i always like hearing different set-ups. i don't care about big sound, either. i care about accuracy above all else. part of the reason i love music is because i have a fascination with the human voice, so i'm picky about midrange.

but, please; if you're ever in san antonio, you're more than welcome to come by and have a listen.

and if you prefer tubes, the speakers are available (considerably cheaper, i might add) in passive versions to be driven by whatever amp you'd like.
I've heard that San Antonio is a beautiful town. I've always wanted to go there. BTW i've got word that the Seas W12CY midrange will outperform the legendary Skaaning's. This is from a reliable source. As well you may want to know that the super tech ribbon from Philips RSQ8P/11 will be avaliable at the end of May. $840/pr from Koch in Germany. Now i'm open to consider the Atc's in a passive setup. Can you get me a price. If you get a chance take a close look at the Seas Excel woofers. Another driver that you may want to research is the Raven 3 ( $1600/each) Now give me some description of your speakers. The ATC web page gives absolutely no info...strange?? BTW they are British, i tend not to like "british" sound.