How grills affect?

I've purchased grills for my Totem Forest speakers to keep my little boy's hands away from the drivers. Somehow I've realized that the grills didn't degrade the sound but even otherwise. How did that happen? Please share your experiences.
I think that with my Thiel CS2.3s, the grills have some very small effect on the low-level detail in the music.
I leave the grills on. Softens the highs just a hint. It is enough to reduce listener fatigue on less then ideal recordings and that occasional digital edginess.
Speakers are designed for use with grill cloths on. The Vandersteen owners manual specifically states this and that the grill cloths should not be removed. They refer to the cloth as "sonically transparent". Presumably all/most speakers are so designed. Cheers. Craig
In regards to Garfish's comment: yes, check the manual for the specific speakers. Someone with a pair of B&W Nautilus series; comfirm that B&W actually recommends removing the grills for serious listening. I can swear I read that when I was reviewing the manual at a dealer. I use to own a pair of the Matrix series, and those grills were designed to disperse the sound a certain way, so for the Matrix, they should be left on.
I have to agree with Bufus my Thiel 2.3’s to a very very small degree change the sound. Jon Risch has done some research on acoustically transparent materials for his DIY panels and has found that burlap to be the most transparent.

Burlap for speaker grilles- Perish the thought.