Optimal Speaker Placement

I would like to know others thoughts on optimal distance between speakers as well as distance to listening position. I currently have my speakers 9' apart and they are 10' from the listening position. I am fortunate to have a large room and do not have any sidewall or rear wall issues. I am using Vienna Acoustics Mahler speakers which are full range speakers that project a large soundstage. My speaker cables are short and with my current equipment positioning I do not have the ability to test putting them closer without changes in cabling. The speakers do sound good as is but my concern is that they may be too far apart and I am missing some focus. Any thoughts on this subject would be appreciated.
Those look like pretty good set-up dimensions to me. If you would like a stronger stereo image but can't move your speakers closer together, you can at least experiment with toe-in-- that can have quite an affect on imaging, detail, coherence, and music quality/character in general. Good Luck. Craig
Look up this web site: www.high-endaudio.com/ Go to LINKS
Click on Magazines/Etc. (The Audio Perfectionist) A very
interesting/useful source of opinion. Bill
The speaker maker Audio Physic has an approach you may find useful:

and George Cardas gives a formula on his site.