Bybee quantum filters for speakers


Review in summary:
"To put it into perspective, imagine the following scenario. Money is no object and you have the opportunity to purchase $20,000 worth of the finest cable/interconnect. Let me make this perfectly clear: $320 worth of Purifiers will make for a far greater sonic improvement in your system than would all of that cable. In hindsight, cable is a band aid - the Purifier the cure. "
I use the Bybee Ultra with my Dunlavy SC-Vs. They make a significant difference. I also use the Bybee at the input of my power amps.
What TWL said!
I found even more improvement adding a few interconnect filters to the Ultra speaker filters I had purchased first, I'm running Cardas balanced Golden Ref interconnects as well as speaker wire. Incredibly black background allowing micro details to be audible & the music seems to have a life force or flow, kinda like the difference between a band on an ok night and a hot night, all the timing seems better. I tried taking them out after a year, as an experiment, they went back in the same day. These Bybees are the best tweak I've ever done!
How would you say bybee compares to Triphazer speaker filters - say the 25 level?
I never tried the Tri-Phazers, but I would be interested to hear them, or some reports from anyone who has heard them.