Does It Make Sense to Purchase Dunlavy Speakers

Audio-Video Logic has purchased the complete stock of Dunlavy speakers and is selling them at very attractive prices. Dunlavy is no longer in business and I'm concerned about repairs if needed. Dunlavy drivers are individually matched, ane then pairs are matched for the two speakers, finally the crossovers are hand tweaked for final matching. Would appear on the surface that if a driver goes bad the "match" is gone forever. Comments??
Does anyone knows where I can buy the Dunlavy TSW-V's. AVL had bought the last three and they say they were gone in two weeks!! I am desperate!! Any one wants to sell?????
Like bzinvegas I ordered the CC-2 from AVL as well, but with different results. The speaker arrived from via UPS double boxed with no physical damage to either box. Once removed, however, I noticed a rattle coming from inside the speaker. I called AVL and they asked me to remove one of the drivers to see if I could find the problem. I did and found 2 voice coils broken from the main board. After carefully examining the rest of the speaker I found several 2 – 3 inch gouges as well as numerous nicks that were touched up with what appeared to be a black magic marker.

I paid for a new unit.

I phoned AVL again and explained that I was initially leery of spending money on a manufacturer that was out of business, and because of the condition of the speaker I have decided to forgo a replacement and would like to ship it back.

AVL had no problem with my decision, understood my concerns and will credit me back the purchase price plus return shipping. I’ve dealt with them in the past, they appear to be good people and I would have no trouble dealing with them again in the future.

Good luck to others.
Pdclark: While your story doesn't really have the type of ending that i'm sure that you were looking for, it's good to know that some companies still take care of their customers and stand behind the products that they sell. Sean
When John last failed, I bought a pair of Black Knights and found them exceptional. Later I got back into horns and had an easy time selling the BKs.