What subwoofer can i use with my speakers?

My system consists of the following:

Wadia 850- CD player
Audio Research LS7- Pre Amp
Classe CA200- Power Amp
Magnepan 2.7 QR- Speaker
Martin Logan Aerius- Speaker
Note: I switch between the 2 speakers. I'm thinking of just
getting another pair of speakers (pre-owned Thiel CS3.6), instead of getting a subwoofer as I'm fond of the other 2 only sometimes they sound lacking in bass.
I'll suggest a Sunfire from my most recent experiences. However you need to listen to Sunfires & REL's with your own ears. Getting opinions and recommendations are very appealing but your ears will know what sound the best with your Maggies. Happy hunting and listening..............
What about Velodynes? They were big 6-8 years ago(r they still?) but no one has said anything about them.
When I was auditioning subwoofers 1-2 years ago, Velodynes were outclassed by the Rels and the Vandersteen that I heard and the ACI Titan II LE that eventually chose.

Also I've read from many Maggie owners who are very pleased with their ACI Titan II or Rel subwoofer.

(BTW, though I've never heard it, it seems that the new ACI Force would be quite competitive with a Rel Strata or Storm.)
I own a new REL Strata III and love it. I have it teamed up with my Totem Model 1's.