Echobusters "to gap from wall' or not

I found 6 echobuster panels here on audiogon ( 2' by 4' by 2")and want to hang them mostly on my backwall behind the couch.

The room is 15.5' (widest) by 27' (couch in nook, closets on end make it 12.5 in narrowest area.

Near field setup with back of couch against wall (early cancelations too short delay to notice?)

anyway I have a small amount of echo to tame and was wondering if I should gap the panels from the wall with little wood blocks (2") to achieve slightly lower freq absorbtion and even filtering "from the back side"

does anyone have any suggestions on this?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiotomb
I didn't mean to try and discourage you from attempting what you wanted to do. I was trying to point out more cost effective and better performing options. I need to remember that some folks are "handier" than others though.

With that in mind, extending the Echobusters off the wall should lower their cut-off frequency a bit. Just keep in mind that exposed wood will also cause diffraction / reflections. Good luck and i hope that your efforts are well rewarded : ) Sean
I've done it. It makes a noticable difference in the effectiveness of the panels. I cut 1/2" x 1" standoffs and screwed them into all four corners of the panel in back. Then I bought a sheet of those small rubber peel-off circles for furniture and put one over the screw heads so it would not scratch the wall. Go for it.

I've also found that home-built panels just don't sound as good as Echobuster products, even if I try to get the same wood and foam. Something about that wool fabric maybe?
THanks Octopus

tell me more

I was thinking about putting circular styrofoam as the offsets blocks (predrilled)and then putting pillow stuffing or something behind it.

I didn't do the Risch thing because I am terrible at anchoring heavy stuff to the wall - any suggestions???

The panels are very light. As I recall, I did not use any sort of high-tech hanging scheme. I nailed toothed picture hanging strips to the top middle in the back and used a long nail. For the ceiling I did not use standoffs and just screwed the panels right into the drywall. For an audiophile obsessive, those panels are heaven. I moved mine around so much that the room looked like I held the World Dart Throwing Championship. You are welcome to email me if you have specific questions.