floorstanding speakers for NAD C-320BEE amp

what speakers would complement the sound of the NAD amp best? The price should be $1000 or less, new or used.
I just tested B&W 602S3. They're stand mounted not floor standing ($600.00). I really liked them. Super detailed, very alive sounding. Maybe a bit shallow but it seemed like a good choice for me.
Any thoughts?
Hi Tony:

Last year at this time, the British Hi Fi Magazines were big fans of the NAD 320BEE and the Rotel RA-01 integrated amplifiers. The Rotel tended to get the edge, because it had a phono input. The speakers that the two amps were almost always paired with were the B&W 602S3. So, actually your findings would make a lot of sense with What Hi Fi and some other British magazines.

Regards, Rich
Acoustic Energy EVO 3 floorstanders at $699.00 a pair retail ought to do the trick. What HIFI's winner in that price catagory by far! These are a steal.
I have an old NAD 7250pe and I love it with my Axiom m22tis. It is similar in sound and power to the 320bee. Of course, YMMV.
