Headphone Recommendation?

I have Rogue 99 mag pre and would like suggestions on a very very good pair of headphones. Are the wireless as good? Which brings another question-what type of cable? New at this as you all can tell.
Thanks in advance,
I'd avoid wireless headphones. If you do get a nice pair of wired headphones, you may want to consider getting a dedicated headphone amp. I like the Grado RS1s. I had the Sennheiser HD600s and they were too laid back. I also had the Stax Omega II/SR007t combo and that was breathtaking but that combo may cost more than you're looking for. With the Grados I am using an Emmeline XP7 headphone amp.
I have the Sennheiser HD580's and I love them. Got them from a dealer who advertizes here on Audiogon for $159 [new], which is the best deal I've found. The 600's sound a little bit better, but they are quite a bit more expensive, although the same dealer lists the 600's at $259, which is also the best deal I've seen. I ordered several sets of the 580's and they were shipped promptly, arrived in perfect shape, etc. I gave some of them away as gifts and everyone loves them, can't believe the quality,
etc. I don't use an amplifier and don't really feel the need. I put the bulk
of my money into my main system, so I don't want to get too deep into the headphone thing -- I just want a pair that sound great without much trouble and the 580's fit the bill perfectly. Plugged into my system, a computer, or an ipod, they go plenty loud and -- sound REALLY, REALLY,
REALLY good. IMO, you'll have to spend quite a bit of money to outdo
the 580's. If you are game, though -- listen to the 600's and the more
expensive Grados.
If you go with Sennheiser, the new model, HD650 is a big step up from the HD600 or HD580. I agree that the the step from 580 to 600 is small, but the 650's are truly world class, but now you're looking at $350 and then it would be a shame to not amp them properly with something like an Emmaline XP-7 ($500 headphone amp) or a PPA which is a DIY amp (see jmtaudio.com) for a little less. It's all a matter of whether you want to jump in toe first or head first (no pun intended, actually) and what sorts of applications you'll be using the cans for. Head-fi is the place to go because you will get all sorts of ideas about what you can do with any budget.
Yup, yup - Head-fi is highly recommended for your journey.

One (more) thing to think about up front is desired and/or required separation from the outside world. My son needed headphones @ college that wouldn't bleed too much - early-to-bed roommate and all that. Wound up w/ the HD580s (for much, much less than $159) and he's thrilled. I spent most of a week after the holidays listening to them on & off before he went back to school - and they sure do sound quite OK for inexpensive sound blockers. Oh, and think about ergonomics & fit on/over your ears - for long term use that does make a difference.
>>the HD580s (for much, much less than $159)<<

Stinkfish -- where did you get them? I'm thinking about giving some
more away as gifts. Thanks.