B&W Nuatilus

I called B&W today and they told me they are going to replace the current nautilus series with a new series by the begining of the year. Does anybody know anything about this? What typically happen to the value of the nautilus series, once the new series hit the market, Does any body knows what is it going to Looks like?
In 5response to the posters original question - this may actually cause the price of the original Nautilus speakers to rise rather than fall since they look like such a bargain compared to these new prices and the new speakers would have to be pretty fabulous to out peerform them. (At least Ihope this is so since I bought some store demo N803's at deep discount just 6 months ago)
rockethouse, it was all high, high end Esoteric amplification and digital sourcing. I don't remember the particular models because they were way, way out of my league in terms of price range. Well over 20 grand. But terrific they were.
I just got my N802 and I couldn't be any happier. Is there any powerfull multichanel amp that you Guys recomend me for my N802/Htm2/scm-1 hometheater?
Turns out the predictions made a few weeks ago concerning the new 805s are true.
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