Perfectwave PWD MKII, Benchmark DAC2, Wyred DAC2

I just obtained a Benchmark DAC2 and am really impressed by the transparency, clean, open kids, and solid bass. I use XLR output (hooked up directly to amp) and had to adjust the attenuator jumper to -20db to match the gain on my amp. In my setup, I rank these three in the following order, based solely on sound quality.

1) Perfectwave PWD MKII - best DAC among the three, does everything well. I specially like the solid bass, buttery smooth midrange, and transparency. I could listen for hours and not get ear fatigue.

2) Benchmark DAC2 - not quite as good a midrange as PWD MKII, but very close. This DAC is very versatile with analog input, excellent headphone jacks, and DSD capability.

3) Wyred DAC2 - warm sounding and detailed, but not as transparent as the other two. I was already happy with this DAC before I obtained the Benchmark. And I may just keep it for my third system. It's still an excellent DAC.
Interesting observations. Was your Wyred DAC2 the most recent version (SE, DSD, with Femto clock) or was it the original version introduced at least 5 years ago?
I have not done any comparisons across brands, but I really like the PWD. I actually upgraded to their DSD, but sold it because the PW just sounded more natural. Less detail, but it matched the rest of my system (Coincident) better.
I have trialed the Benchmark DAC2, it's... OK. You should try audition Metrum DACs, the difference is huge.

Also, for cheaper options, PCM1794A based DAC should sound better than the Benchmark DAC2, the 6 bit R2R in that DAC is good stuff.
Cal3716 - The standard question at this point is, "Did you let your Directstream break in fully. I mean, REALLY fully?"

Once my DS was properly broken in, it was an easy decision to send back the PWDII for trade-in. But, it took a minimum of 500 hours.
If your Datastream was fully broken in you raise an interesting point. Some people believe that DSD is a different sound but not necessarily a better sound. Some would argue that well implemented PCM is superior, obviously these are all individual and subjective opinions. I know your high level system is easily able to sort out the nuances and subtle differences. It makes one wonder regarding DSD how much is hype and marketing vs a true sonic advancement. Time will tell.