Heads Up: ARC is introducing the new SP-20 in Fall

An excerpt from ARCDB web site:

"Tube stereo preamplifier.

"As a result of the ever-increasing demand for a full-function preamplifier with a level of performance substantially above that of the SP17, we are pleased to introduce the striking new SP20 vacuum-tube preamplifier. Influenced by some of our classic groundbreaking SP preamplifiers but with performance that is only achievable by our best LS- and PH-series designs, the SP20 offers inspirational performance combined with real value. ..."

MSRP is $9000 -- a veritable bargain. ;-(
ARC is now an Italian company, certainly a player on the world stage, innovative performance -well, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Introducing a new product every 6 months keeps the brand in the discussion. Incorporating the 6h30 tube into their circuits did improve the performance.

Aesthetix, Atma-sphere (my preference), Allnic, Balanced Audio, VTL, and Manley are American owned and manufactured that compete head to head with Arc. Choose your flavor.

My agenda is I am mad as hell about the cost. The market continues to get smaller and smaller. I do not consider any of these products a value. Like Tater I utilize the used market. Music is not a luxury it's a necessity.
My goodness folks. My OP was just an fyi to our community that ARC is coming out with a new preamp that has phono capabilities. I like my ARC gear. Others have their own favorites. Gazinct ga haid (go in health). That's why there's chocolate and vanilla.

Now ... if you want to start a fun audio war, let's jump start the thread about best speaker. But not here please.
Just for clarification, ARC is an American company in Minnesota, factory and all gear are made in Minnesota too. ARC is owned by a parent company called Fine Sounds which also owns Wadia, Sonus Faber and McIntosh. Both McIntosh and ARC have kept all operational systems the same. Wadia on the other hand, has downsized a bit and are sharing some quarters with ARC.

For what Syntax feels are state of the art gear, just look at his system page. I think he is a Lamm man and loves what Lamm does. I can understand this - Lamm products produce some of the best midrange sounds in the industry. That being said, I love my ARC stuff! And I definitely agree with all posters - prices continue to become more insane each year.