Replace Classe CA-200 with Pass X350, do it?

Associated equipment: Wadia 850CDP, ARC LS-2B, Thiel 3.6 and Maggie 2.7qr

TIA for your input :-)
Many Pass fans preferred the 250 to the 350, thought the 350 was not quite right. Many threads here on that.
Normally I would agree with Onhwy61 on the preamp but a Wadia 850 into a Pass amp sounds pretty good. To get a preamp that would sound equal or better would probably cost a lot of money.
Thanks for your feedback and opinions. I took too long to decide and the amp is sold. Too bad as I checked with Pass and that particular amp apparently was a transitional one that had the same output stage as the 0.5 model. I think I will bade my time and wait for a 250.5 or 350.5 (budget permitting) to come along.