What to do... US Postal Money order not received.

I've Priority mailed a US Postal Money Order for $610.00 to purchase audio equipment here on AudiogoN. It's been 13 days now and the Money Order has not yet been received ! I've told the seller that he could sell the equipment to someone else so he isn't held up. In the meantime, i'm both stuck without the equipment and embarrased about what has happened. Now, I have to wait 60 days to get my funds, provided the Postal Money Order has not been cashed! What can I do now? What could I do to avoid this from happening in the future? This has never happened to me before. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
USPS is a joke; we costantly get mail from other people in the neighborhood, and sometime from across town. We've filed a list of complaints that is now in a folder several inches thick.
The screw ups continue, as they do nothing to correct the problems.
The USPS is a feeble, pathetic, incompentent organization.
Most of the problems seem to arise when the regular postman is out, and they put in a sub. The sub makes mistakes, we report them. They still use the same idiotic subs, so mistakes continue.
Makes me very angy, there seems to be nothing we can do about this.

According to information given to me by a Postal Clerk, "Over night mail can take two days to arrive." Huh??? What the heck is that...a Polar night!
Someone sent me a check via Priority and it took 3-4 times as long as regular service. I was frustrated, as was the buyer. I will never use it again.
I use them all the time, and it could very much be human error on the recieving of the letter, Priority or otherwise. I bought a Bryston 4B in CA(I am in Nashville)seller says he did not receive just to find it 3 weeks later in a Rolling Stone Magazine that his sister had picked up. And then all our handwritings are sooooooo legible. And we are given the wrong address, we transpose #'s and never know it, etc., etc. etc.. I find it amazing the Post Office does what it does for the money it does, and no I don't work for them, but I bet I spent at least $12k there last year with just 1 problem and they admitted it was their mistake. UPS nor FEDEX Ground (Air is still wonderful) do not provide anywhere near the service. I don't know who wrote it above, but odds are it will show up undeiliverable in the next couple of days.
Also I must admit, I have a GREAT Post Office, the Acklin Post Office in Nashville TN, the one that services Music Row. I don't know where I have encountered a better bunch of public servants.