Know a Good NYC Electrician for Dedicated Lines?

We are ready to take the plunge and install dedicated lines. I'm on the 14th floor of a 1960s Manhattan condo (174 units), so there must be all sorts of bad karma coming through the current lines. I'm hoping running dedicated from the breaker boxes will bring at least some improvement.

Can anyone recommend a good electrician in NYC that has done this work for audiophiles? Thanks.
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This should be simple and probably will yield nice results, but when I did mine I got several tips on how to do this correctly so as with everything in audio nothing is ever simple. Some of the tips I got in case they're helpful:

- Run the lines off the same leg to help avoid ground loops
- Run each line completely back to the box and do not share a neutral bus
- Use at least 12 gauge Romex -- 10 gauge is better but reportedly tough to work with
- Might want to run 20-amp lines just in case
- Buy some high-quality outlets (i.e. Porter ports, etc.) if you don't already have them

I honestly don't even know what the first two mean, but according to several 'goners they're important and my electrician would not have done it this way on his own. I'm in north Jersey and mine cost upwards of $300 including materials. Hope this helps and best of luck.
We are ready to take the plunge and install dedicated lines. I'm on the 14th floor of a 1960s Manhattan condo (174 units), so there must be all sorts of bad karma coming through the current lines. I'm hoping running dedicated from the breaker boxes will bring at least some improvement.

Sorry can't help you with an electrician in NYC.
You might ask the building manager who he uses for the main house power of the building.

From what I have read about NYC all branch circuit wiring has to be installed in a metallic raceway.
Beings your building was built in the 1960s that could be a good thing. Too late for BX wiring and Too early for AC or MC cable wiring. What that means the branch circuit feeds from your electrical panel will be single insulated conductors pulled in either EMT or rigid conduit. Depends on local code back then in NYC.

If there is room in the conduit near where you want to add the dedicated circuit the electrician may be able to pull the new circuit in the existing conduit. Otherwise the new circuit would need to be installed in 500 or 700 Wiremold or some other type of metal surface raceway. (Wiremold also comes in a white finish.)

If the electrician can use an existing conduit and you want 2 new circuits you do not want a multi wire branch circuit. (2 hot conductors that share a common neutral conductor.)
Be careful you don't run afoul of the co-op board. Best to get their permission, in writing. Also, whoever you use get a copy of his State license and a copy of his insurance certificate that has an endorsement that covers your unit. Those documents should be in hand at least 48 hours before any work is done. That way, when he blows out the master panel for the building you will know damages are covered, assuming his coverage is at least $10 million. Can't be too careful in these matters. My guess, $500 in NYC.
Many thanks for the helpful responses. Will take all comments on board. Agree, Buconero, can't be too careful in these matters.
I'm also in a 1960s Manhattan condo with about 600 units (Kips Bay Towers) Wiring aside, I did some other things that helped greatly with electrical noise:

(1) Power conditioner -- One of the best things I ever did was to get a Shunyata Hydra 8 power conditioner (w. Shunyata power cords.) Amazing improvement, like doing a major upgrade in one of the main components such as an amp. I also plug the amp into it -- no adverse effects, just better sound.

(2) Upgrade the wall outlet -- I had one of the staff remove the old outlet and install a PS Audio outlet (and make sure the outlet was grounded since some of the ones in the building weren't.) Big improvement, everything "snapped to attention" when plugged in, unlike the old outlet.

(3) Add Quietline filters. I added 14 Quietline filters to the various outlets, esp. near the refrigerator. Seemed to reduce the electrical noise.