good preamp for dynaco mk3 monoblocks with maggies

Im new to HI-FI world and would appreaciate any advise. I need a good preamp while my Dynaco MK3's are being upgraded with new VTA boards and capacitors etc By Roy Mottram at

I have Magnepan SMGa's which i will be Gunning soon(bought the wood already:)) and I have Event20/20 studio monitors.
my room is not big about 12X14 and I dont listen to my music too loud..i like classical, vocal, instrumental.

I need a good preamp for around 1000$... I will be listening to digital source cds or from dac.

im looking at Audio research sp11 mk2 for sale for 1000$
parasound halo p3 for about 500$

what im using as a preamp now is a little dot mk2 headphone amp that has pre outs..i know its not the best but like i said im new to this..i love magnepan sound and i like tube sound..

remote is preffered but not critical..i would rather have better sound....

up to $1k I would suggest Audio Research SP9mkII ( about $8-900) or SP16L ( about 1k) as being good value and good bang for the buck. The SP9 is a hybrid design and has lots of drive in the line stage. The SP16 is very musical. The SP11 you mention is very cheap, but if anything goes wrong will be expensive to repair as it is more complex.
Dover, It is always essential when considering use of a passive pre to consider both the amp and the sources. One must be very careful about system matching, although TVCs in some ways can be more forgiving than other passive designs.

In the 1K price range for preamps, there are necessarily going to be tradeoffs. The Promitheus TVCs can be a steal if the rest of the system lines up. I don't know the Dyanaco amps. The OP should consider your experience with those amps carefully.
Dover is quite right about the Dynacos' input sensitivity. It is rated at 1.6V for 60 watts output. I am surprised about this after looking it up, so I have to agree with his comments. I get excellent results with a non-TVC passive preamp (Audio Synthesis) in great part due to my Manley mono's .6V input sensitivity, with sound that is anything but thin and certainly not lacking in drive.
I myself would most definitely go with Atmasphere's suggestion.
You would then have a made for each other set-up, and very hard to beat.