Upgradying Tube Preamp

I currently have a AES AE-3 DJH Preamplifier linking together my Metrum Hex DAC and Pass Labs x150.5 Amp. I think the pre is obviously the weakest link in my chain, but at the same time I'm reluctant to upgrade it. I guess I'm of the school that a preamp doesn't matter as much as the amp or the DAC. Could anyone share their opinions on this? In what ways (sound qualities) could I really upgrade the Pre, and if so which ones would you recomend?

Dav65mus, I think you done very well for yourself with the
Cary slp-05, excellent choice. I can tell you the Audible
Illusions will sound much different, high definition leaning
more towards very good solid state but much better in terms
of transparency and detail and would seriously come down to
which sound you prefer, both being very good. I think the
Cary will sound more rounded and warmer but with excellent

The Audible Illusions can eat up tubes if you don't go with
the manufacturer's recommendation to use their sovetek
tubes. Even so they are very good sounding and you probably
wouldn't need to tube roll anyway. When I reinstalled an
Audible Illusions L1 preamp, I was reminded by friends that
this is how good your system used to sound. By the way it
did not replace a Cary preamp which I also liked a great
I was thinking maybe a red wine isabella, dodd audio, or manley. My price range is about 2000k used. I will look into audible illusions as one of you suggested. any others?
I have 2 friends with Audible Illusions and they roll Reflektor 6H23N-EB. It's durable with excellent sound. AI is definitely more neutral compare to SLP-05.

Please send me a PM. I have a preamplifier possibility in your price range that may be of interest of to you.


I went with a Modwright LS-100. Its still a 6SN7 pre, but I think it will be a much better match for my Pass amp