Passive Preamp Recommendations?

I'm looking for a passive preamp to experiment with.

I currently have a McIntosh C2200 which I love but heard a Placette passive at RMAF a few years ago paired with a
Mc 252 power amp which I have and the sound was mesmerizing.

I'd like something used but used Placettes are hard to find.
I'm considering a local design - Fletcher-Harris Dimuendo -for $600. which is reasonable but would like suggestions on other possibilities.
Atmasphere has it right. You have to be very careful about the impedances you are working with (interconnects, amplifier) or you can actually make things worse with a passive "preamp". I once had a preamp that had both active and passive modes, and the passive mode caused very noticeable rolloff of the high frequencies, just as Atmasphere has described. If you really want a passive preamp, try it first in your system before you commit to spending money.

I have a First Watt B1 buffer preamplifier that I'm no longer using. It's an outstanding piece that is totally transparent and you don't have the impedance issues to worry about. Send me an email and maybe we can work something out.

How about a used McCormack TLC-1 or TLC-1 Deluxe preamp? I'm surprised McCormack or Mod Squad passive preamps have not been mentioned. Very good quality build and re-sale value, if bought used, is retained.
I agree with Tim, I feel a buffer is the best of both worlds
I had a lot of pre's, once I went with the Dodd buffer it was
a good change. Now have a Wyred 4S STP/SE is a buffer and also has gain (which I never need), wanted to try balanced connections and it is another improvement