Audio Research Reference 3 Seeking help

Dear Brothers,

I am Michael from Hong Kong. I bought my Audio Research Reference 3 Preamp from the previous authorized Hong Kong dealer in 2008. Now I intended to upgrade the said 4 pcs 0.0024 coupling caps inside the Ref3 but the present authorized Hong Kong dealer refused to help me to make such order.

Would you guys offer me assistance to that? Of course, I must pay you back the charges in advance, if any.

Thanks for your help.

Michael Cheung
from Hong Kong
I think you should stick with what is stock in your preamp. The changes you wish to make are 'modding' it and do not help except to empty your wallet.
Listen to your dealer.
If you want it to sound better buy some better interconnects.
Agree with Liz. It's hard to make perfect better. I used to own the Ref 3. It's a classic linestage. I was underwhelmed when I switched it out for the Ref 5 (not SE). The Ref 5 (not SE) was NOT in a different league.
As told above , the 4 bypass caps are an official revision
by ACR NOT a modding .Michael I think the easy way is buy the 4 caps , ARC used infinicap with a voltage of 400V.
Let these 4 caps installed by a technician , it is very easy , the are parallel at the backside of the 4 big goldcolour outputcaps of 10 mF.You don 't have to dismantle
the unit , space enough.The caps are easy ordered at any
retailer of electronic parts.Remember , they are installed
in every ARC unit standard now ( EQ CD 7 )