ARC Reference se

Hello guys and gals,are you still happy with your preamp,youve been a little quiet lately.Im getting there, cheers.
Reading some posts,the 6h30 DR are a huge improvement,over the standard tubes.Ill have to get some,it will play on my mind forever if I don't.I do know,with other tubes,nos, absolutely smashes the new stuff.A member on Audiogon has them.
Yes different tubes do lot change , I 'm using now all NOS 6H30P-DR and the NOS TUNGSOL 6550 black plate.(also in CD7)
If you would like to swap the Russian 6H , there is now in Holland ( Europe ) available ECC 903 NOS Telefunken, they made a special tubefoot which bears two tubes , which makes
a double triode.No other parts to change , just replace the 6H tubes.
@ Hansk46

Most interesting re ECC 903 replacement of an 6H30 , I take it we are talking an double adapter socket that plugs directly into the 9 pin socket that would house the single 6H ?

I would be grateful for any further information regarding where such a socket is available for purchase ?
