ARC Reference se

Hello guys and gals,are you still happy with your preamp,youve been a little quiet lately.Im getting there, cheers.
Hello forum members, I can give you the side : , take the heading componenten , at this page take the heading buizen = tubes ,at this page take the search in the right upper corner and write down
6H30P-DR , you will see a picture of the double triode ECC903 , take the artikelgegevens , there is a explanation , in Dutch , but if you send an Email in English no problem.People who have done this expensive exchange are very happy with the result.BTW ,I don't work for this company, but have let done major upgrades in my ARC stuff.
Thankyou,for the info on the telefunkens,it is very interesting, I think all up they may cost twice as much as the 6h30 dr.mmm maybe not this time.Ill give the dr s a go next.I read some have tried just 2,in the mix,Ive done that before with 6dj8 and 6922 on a different pre with good results.A matched quad would be better I think
i had the 6H30DR Russian tubes replaced by the ECC 903 Telefunken from Triple Audio, in my Audio Research LS25II, modified by Creato Audio, a huge difference, worth every Euro