Suggestions for a power strip or conditioner?

I'm looking for a power strip or non current limiting conditioner that does not automatically send power to my tube amps after a power outage without manual intervention. Thanks!
Plenty of conditioners turn off if a gap in power occurs.
My Furman REF20i has a sag reduction cap built in. So it can bridge mementary power outages up to four seconds or so.. And does not turn off until the power drops below a set amount. When the power come back on, I have to flip the switch back on. Ditto for my PS Audio P600
So IMO many better conditioners will be 'off' when the power reinstates.. if the power cuts out.
(Same thing with the Monster Power conditioners I used to own...)
The ones with a auto sut off when the power in below a set voltage are the types which will be off when the current returns..

I do not know of any cheap powerstrips which will turn off if current is interupted
Not cheap but the PurePower+ 1500 regenerates power for my whole system and supplies battery backup for about 20 minutes. when power comes back on it automatically switches back to regeneration. This unit actual increased dynamic range from my system. Some people will bring up past issues with this manufacturer but I have had no problems
Running Springs Audio makes a great sounding Power
conditioner; the Dmitri or the Jaco, or if you like AC
regeneration, the Pure Power 2000 is excellent.