
Unless we are supremely lucky, all of us have regrets at some point in our lives.

Specifically - Which piece of equipment or software do you most regret having sold, given away, etc.? Why did you do it? Did you ever do anything about it?
Probably the original Beatles albums I bought in 1965. I'd also like to have the Shahinian box speakers for my second system I sold 13 years ago & my old 1969 FLH.
Had to sell my Accuphase P-300, C-200, T-100 to pay for books and tuition during college. Overall, a very good investment in the long run, but I really do wish I still had that fine equipment.
I wish i would have stopped messing around with one specific system when i had it sounding "right". It sounded phenomenal on all types of music and had really excellent "PRAT". Being the "boy genius" that i am, i kept monkeying with it trying to "make it better" and i've never been able to get it back to that point ever since. I'm sure that i'm not alone on this one though, but it's still not much of a consolation... Sean

PS... Viridian, you read my mind : )

Selling all my albums.I had 2 trunks of master recording in mint condition and sold them dirt cheap when CDs came out.BAD MOVE!