Child-Proof Speakers

I have a six-month-old now and in the process of trying to child-proof the house. I'd like to keep the sound system in the living room, where the whole family can enjoy it, but concerned about the little one knocking something over, getting hurt in the process and/or breaking a valuable piece of equipment. I recently got a cover for my Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum (so she doesn't get burned on hot output tubes) and bought an equipment rack with closable doors. The next step is potentially replacing my stand-mounted speakers (Sonics Anima) with less tip-able floor-standing ones with more robust drivers (less vulnerable to being prodded by child fingers). Any recommendations on speakers in the <$3000 range? I listen to mainly rock, reggae, world and jazz, and usually on vinyl. I really like the Sonics and Audio Physic sound as well but looking for other options too.
Get one of those configurable plastic baby gates and surround each speaker with it. I did that and my stand mount speakers survived 2 kids!
Shumazing, being a young father a while ago with crawling peanuts, my response is that your question is an oxymoron -- there ain't no such thing as child=proof anything. I used to call one of my babies the "finder of all lost things" because he would get into places that no normal human could be and come back with stuff I thought was lost long ago. The best way to protect your rig is to protect your baby -- whatever it takes, whatever it takes!!