$7K to spend on new turntable + arm

I have VPI Scout 1.0 turntable with a dynavector DV20X2m cartridge. I listen mainly to Jazz so this is my primary focus. What would you recommend as a turntable/tonearm upgrade as I have around $7K to spend. What sort of improvements in sound could I expect from your recommendation?

Note, I had ordered a VPI Classic 3 Rosewood, but for some reason VPI changed contents from what has been positively reviewed (no longer including Valhalla wire in tonearm and no periphery clamp).
What is the OPs phono stage? That's where money needs to be spent. I would second the WT Simplex because that's what I have. If it were my $7k I'd go Simplex/EMT TSD15/Allnic h1201. It'd be hard to beat that combo without spending twice that and even then you'd be getting something that sounds different but not necessarily better.
Angioccio.....It doesn't matter to me what you regard as good, bad, or indifferent, but to badmouth a product with misinformation does readers of these pages a disservice, and casts a shadow on you. The VPI arm is not at all unstable unless you set it up improperly. It is a very good arm that can compete with any tonearm. For some reason, VPI suffers the injustice of people like you, but takes away success in the industry. VPI offers performance and customer service like few others.
Stringreen, it may not matter to you but I was just stating my experience.

I lived with the VPI Scoutmaster for about 3 years and although it did sound good, I could never get used to the VPI unipivot tonearm (absolutley hated the feeling of handling that tonearm). Then I traded in my Scoutmaster for a Rega RP6 (using the same cart - Dynavector DV-20X2 low MC) and for about 1/3 of the money (Rega vs. VPI), I couldn't hear any differences but did not have to deal with that wobbly tonearm anymore.

Now I'm using a Brinkmann Bardo direct-drive turntable with Origin Live Encounter tonearm and this combo beats out both the VPI and the Rega, hands down. It's in a completely different league!

Just my 2 cents & experience.
Stringreen, no need to be so defensive all the time about VPI. They do make good products and they are competitive, but they can be bested too. For reference sake, what other high end tables have you owned that makes you feel that VPI is so wonderful, and compels you to perpetually defend them?

I agree with Agiaccio, I have owned VPI, Rega, Basis and SOTA tables with various arms. Yes, both Rega and VPI are very solid tables/arms, and great bang for the buck. However, when you go up the price scale, you will find that both can be beaten fairly easily. Due to economic issues, I am back to using a VPI Scoutmaster, my 4th VPI 'table, and it is a pretty solid investment. However, it is not nearly as good as my Basis 2500 Signature with Vector 3 tonearm was.

VPI is a solid performer, but they can be bested. Don't take criticism so personally. Someone else's disparaging remarks do not diminish your purchasing decisions.