I'm now a Cardas Woman. I used to be a Kimber gal

Well i was interested in the new Cardas Parsec. I bought one and went WOW! What have i been missing!
So then I bought another.. then went for the big one (seven meter pre to amp, big bucks)
Added a few more. Bought a used Golden Reference here to have for a tease..
So I went from Kimber all around to Cardas.
I liked Kimber, used them for-ever.. Nice, but this new Cardas Parsec has me. (Kimber has some catching up to do guys..) The Cardas is just more 'natural'.

This is like changing auto brand: Lifetime loyal BMW owner.. years of Beemers.. suddenly buys a Porshe! And LOVES it.

Some of them are still in shipment from Cardas. I am just so excited.
Today I took off the 7m Parsec and put them back in the box.
I am finished with fooling around with them.
I took some 'junk' 5m Belden 89259 coax with RCA I had laying around and stuck it on my setup. (the 7m is to fit around the walls, The 5m has to lay across the floor to reach.)

Right off AMAZING i have midrange again.
The treble is not as detailed, but a full musical spectrum back on tap.It sounds nice. Not spectacular or anything, but nice, And way the Hell better than the Parsec 7m sounded.(even with over three weeks breaking in)

The 7m Parsec are going back. I had enough screwing around waiting for some magical break in. (more than) Three weeks is way too long. F* it.
I'm wondering how the Parsec might fare running from my Allnic 1201 to my amp...was thinking about BlackCat Lectraline...
I purchased a 1M pair of Parsec about 6 weeks ago to go between my DAC and integrated amp. It sounded pretty good right out of the box but really started to open up around the 3 week (500 hours) mark. I now have about 750 hours on them and they really sound amazing. The sound is powerful and balanced.

I also have Kimber Hero in my system and it's an excellent cable and should match up well with the Cardas as you already experienced.

I'm guessing your system is going to sound amazing!

Thanks Kevan,
Yeah, it sounded fabulous with two 1m parsec and the 7m Kimber Hero i had.. Then it thought it can be better! and bought the 7m Parsec. hah hah sorry I did. Then naturally i sold the 7m Kimber hero rightaway. Listed it and it sold in a day.
So I can hope the wires i am buying from Kimber to make a new 7m XLR set can be as good (Hope Hope)