Transparent Cable Upgrade?

I own Transparent Music lInk Plus through out the system. I am considering upgrading to the Reference line. Worth the cost? Your experience?

Next, I have Nordost Frey phono cable. The only non Transparent cable. I chose this cable with my VPI classic since the TT manufactures its table with Nordost Vahlia cable. Wondering if I should sell the Frey and look at Transparent to keep the system uniformed. I find Nordost a bit bright.

Finally, perhaps not the forum to post, but considering converting the TT from RCA to Balanced. Worth it?

Thank you

I've learned that system synergy is critical in one's system reaching its full potential. And I'm anxious to hear what your findings are. By the way, beautiful system.

I have spent much time w/ the Transparent Reference XL and Opus PC. Both are excellent but will not be for everyone nor every budget. These PC are sonic matches for ARC, Bryston and Wilson Audio electronics/speakers.
The PC I endorse the most would be the Stage III Concepts offered by Brian @ Aaudio Imports. Plays well w/ (no pun) ss and tubed gear. Happy Listening!
Please do Saint519-

tell me about the gear in your system...keep me posted and Happy Listening!
Hi Jafant,

My system:
Lamm L2 Ref Preamp
Lamm M1.2 Ref Mono amps
Meitner MA-1 Dac
Meridian Sooloos Ensemble Music Server
Wilson Sasha - Gen I
Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 ICs - connects the MA-1 & the L2
Transparent Audio Reference ICs - connects the L2 to the M1.2s
Transparent Audio Reference Spkr cable
SRA VR-Series IsoBases under the M1.2s