The Worst Performance Ever - Really

I always think of the late 60's and early 70's as the high point for rock and roll, but this is absolutely the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. Try to watch it all the way through, as it's so bad that it actually becomes good. That's not easy. Most bad things are just bad, but this is exceptionally bad, which is not as easy as you think. Enjoy.
The performance is very "Spinal Tap". The drummer is not horrible
and daddy likey the dancing girls. I love the section that juxtaposes the female
stripper with the topless male guitar player. Cool vid, Chayro.

I must say, as an aside, I also respect the fact that you have a nice, make that
very nice, system but also have the ability to appreciate more beer-budget
items, such as the Sony 5400 CD player and Bada integrated, as evinced by your
threads. Good call on both.
Yeah, that was pretty awful. I remember seeing a concert back in the good ol' daze, it was a 3 act lineup. I do not recall the 2nd and third acts, but the opening band was *truly* awful - The Groundhogs. It was about the only time I've seen a large crowd actively boo a band and start throwing things on stage.

Thankfully, they cut their set short and hurried off the stage after about 20 minutes...
