Jimi Hendrix on PBS "American Masters"

Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up. PBS will be broadcasting their latest installment of the consistently compelling "American Masters" series this Tuesday Nov. 5th at 9:00pm EDT. Check your local listings to be sure.

~ Jimi Hendrix - Hear My Train a Comin' ~

Set your DVR and don't miss it!

HiFiJones - thanks for the heads up. I watched and enjoyed it. Some great "take aways" about Jimi…how extremely dedicated he was to his craft, his strong work ethic in the studio and his drive to continuously improve.

An especially interesting moment was when Eddie Kramer showed how they layered 3 rhythm guitar parts on top of one another to create that great sound in Little Wing (or maybe it was Wind Cried Mary).

The one thing missing to me in a lot of Hendrix commentary is everyone seems to focus on his guitar virtuosity but don't spend a lot of time talking about his strong song writing….lyrics and melodies. He created some really haunting and beautiful stuff.

Thanks again.