Harry Pearson

Sorry to report .....by Harry Pearson Jr. passed away on Nov 4th. He was a great influence in this hobby/industry of ours. He will be missed.....!
I have to agree with Roxy 54. As a long time reader of both The Absolute Sound and Stereophile, Harry's constant sniping at Stereophile and it's staff grew tiresome. Nevertheless, I could tell that the staff at Absolute Sound had extreme respect for Harry Pearson, and his opinions on all things audio. I'm sorry to hear of his passing, just as I was sorry to hear of the passing of J.Gordon Holt, despite never having met either one.

Jack Bruce last week, and Harry Pearson this week. Let's face it, some of the people who make up the fabric of our lives are disappearing (sorry for the cliche). It certainly reminds us that we are getting older ourselves. They say it's no fun to get old, but it beats the alternative. R.I.P Harry and Jack!
Very sad news. I always enjoyed his writing and his reviews. He writings (and no doubt personality) became a little crotchety in his old age, but it was an endearing crotchety. I always felt that he told it like he heard it. He brooked no bs. RIP Harry.
I got sucked into this crazy hobby after a colleague gave me a TAS many many moons ago. RIP Harry.
I am sad to hear of his passing. I started to read TAS in the early 80s.I kept a copy on me where ever I went just to re-read again and again. This was at the time when the publication was a pocket size book. The article's always pulled me in with excellent reviews and especially the LP reviews of Mercs and RCA's. A little bit of my youth is gone I feel. So please R.I.P and God bless.
"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."

Mark Twain

Not sure where he is headed but I know I would enjoy his company and I don't think I will be in Heaven.