Conrad Johnson Primier 16ls1 vs 16ls2 owners...

I was hoping to buy a CJ Premier 16 preamp. I want to roll my Amperex white label PQ 7308 small signal tubes. I've heard that the original ART 1 went through tubes quite a bit faster than a normal preamp, which is something that I want to stay away from. Is this true of the 16ls1 or 16ls2 as well? Also, how are the highs and soundstage on both of these fine preamps? Finally, will I lose "bloom" by going to the 16ls2? Thanks! Stan
When I upgraded from the series 1 to series 2 it was positive. The series 2 gets a little more dynamic and neutral. It still has plenty of bloom thou.
Please note that upgrade was only a couple of resistors, most of the upgrade cost went on a new set of tubes and a different power cord ( which you throw away anyway).

Glad I could help. Your question / comment puzzled me since I know quite a few people who are CJ fans and you are the first one I have ever heard make a comment or ask a question concerning short tube life on CJ premier pre-amps.

I can only speak to the version 2, which I have and love. I have used it quite a lot and it was an original demo model on top of that. After more than 2 years and a lot of service easily 1,000 to 1,500 hours a year I have yet to replace a tube. I believe their estimated tube life is 5,000 hours so in a year or so I may consider it. good luck and enjoy the music.
Thanks all for your help. I've been looking for another preamp and wanted to use the nos tubes that I own. I'm happy to hear that the CJ 16ls gives normal tube wear. I think that I'll be looking for a 16ls2. Could anyone comment about the soundstage of the 16ls2? Stan
I owned the 17LS (the original, not the LS2 which uses the new capictors). The 16LS2 was a major step up in terms of clarity, bass response, and high end definition. What I heard, at least in IMHO, was a noticeable improvement in soundstaging (and the 17LS was already very good in this respect). I currently use Amperex 7308 green label in the pre-amp. I've rolled many tubes into the 17LS and the 16LS2 and this is the one I keep coming back to. The white label 7308s were a little too soft in the pre-amps but for some reason, at least in my system, work the best as the input tube in my C-J Premier 140 together with the green label 7308s in either pre-amp. I've tried Bugle Boys, Orange label 6DJ8s, HP labelled 6DJ8s in both, Telefunkens, Mullards, Siemens (including the pinched-waist varities when available of all of the above), ad nauseuem. I always come back to the combination noted. It's just a matter of the synergy with your system.

The 16LS2 is a very , very nice preamp.

Just my 2ยข.

Good luck.