Conrad Johnson Primier 16ls1 vs 16ls2 owners...

I was hoping to buy a CJ Premier 16 preamp. I want to roll my Amperex white label PQ 7308 small signal tubes. I've heard that the original ART 1 went through tubes quite a bit faster than a normal preamp, which is something that I want to stay away from. Is this true of the 16ls1 or 16ls2 as well? Also, how are the highs and soundstage on both of these fine preamps? Finally, will I lose "bloom" by going to the 16ls2? Thanks! Stan
I think the soundstage is Excellent.I also used Telefunken
tubes in mine.The better the interconnects are the better the soundstage.Do your interconnects have ultra wide bandwidth with high resolution.If so then you are ready to go.
I sold my 16LS mkI a couple months ago after several years of thoroughly enjoyable ownership. Your 7308s should work quite well. I enjoyed tube rolling the 16LS and had no sense that it was hard on tubes. I used mostly Amperex 7308 and 6DJ8s, the latter being a bit more harmonically rich in the upper mids and highs, the former a bit more articulated at the bottom. Mine did well plugged into an original Hydra.

The 16 is a real treat - I call it a 'preamp with soul'. Used in the $3k-4k range it is a solid value that is hard to beat, imo. Soundstaging is what you'd expect for a preamp of this caliber, with nicely layered depth, and width occasionally ranging one-to-two feet beyond my speaker boundaries. Instruments and voices stay in place. Throwing a decent soundstage is something most equipment in this price range does pretty well nowadays.

The real strength of the 16, imo, is its overall coherence - it plays well within itself and has no glaring faults. Very good but not superb timing, yet still with plenty of snap and vitality. Tonally a bit on the warm side, but much more toward the neutral than CJ preamps that came before it. With the 16LS (and ART), I feel CJ took a big step closer toward neutrality (yet there's no mistaking them for ARC gear.) Nice dynamic range especially toward the low end - highs are not quite as extended as the low-end, but have plenty of air. Tube choice will impact the highs, imo, so there's something to play with. With the caveat that I have not heard the new CT5, the 16 is, imo, the best sub-$10k preamp CJ has made.
Thanks for all the input. I'm going to be looking for a 16ls2 in the next month or so. My system is: Wadia 861se cd player, Jeff Rowland 302 amp, Egglestonworks Andra 2 speakers. I have a Siltec Forbes Lake and a Siltec SQ110 that I'll be using for interconnects between cd/pre and pre/amp. I also have Nordost Valhalla wired to my highs/mids and Nordost SPM on the bass for speaker wire. My tubes are 1960 7308 Amperex Holland D getter white label PQ's (3 pairs). I also have 4 pairs of 1963 and 1964 USA white label PQ's. I used to own a CJ pv12al and Tele's (12au7's) worked best with that , so I may look into Tele's for the 16ls2. I've got a Shunyata original Hydra that I'm using for the preamp. I'm using a Bat vk5i for a pre right now and feel that the 16ls2 would be a huge step up. Thanks again guys!
I wish to buy an used CJ Premier 16LS Mark II. How can one differentiate between Mark I and Mark II? Any clear marking on the chasis? Thanks.
If the unit was upgraded on the back of the chassis cj provided a sticker that basic stated series 2 and the date and maybe a new serial number ( can't remember that clearly).

Not sure on new units, however I am sure you could ask cj at what batch of serial numbers series 2 started if it is not on the back panel.