Power Amp to Match CJ Premier 17LS

I wish buy a 2nd hand Conrad Johnson Premier 17LS, not 17LS2 or 16LS as they are beyond my budget. The problem is the choice of the power amplifer as I don't want to match it with a CJ power amplifier, tube or solid state. Any recommendation from current or past user of LS17? My speaker is Spendor S6e and I mostly listen to vocal, light jazz and chamber music. Thanks.

I used Premier 11a with another CJ preamp years before. It seems a change might be nice. If that doesn't work, please recommend a CJ power amp. How about MV-60SE? Budget : about US$2-2.5K, either brand new or used is okay. Is tube beter than solid state in my system? Thanks.


I do not know anything about your speakers efficency and sensitivety so giving any amp recommendations is difficult. If you like tubes and don't mind the maintenance then by all means go with the MV60SE. If that is not enough power then MF 2500A ss should be a good match. I was using an MF2500A with a premier 17lsI for a short time driving my Thiel 3.6's and it did a very good job. I also had a premier 11a but it just did not have the juice to make the Thiels sing but it did OK especially in the mid to highend detail. I am now using a premier 16lsII and a premier 350 with excellent results. Good Luck and hope I could help.

If you desire something other than CJ you could try McCormack.

I currently have a CJ Primier 17LS linked to a CJ MF2250 amp. The combo works very well, and is within your budget. A SS amp will handle the bass a bit better than a tube amp (tighter, more responsive). What is the sensitivity of your speakers..Higher dB, eaiser to drive.
I have owned the 17LS for a couple of years before upgrading
to the CJ CT5. My 17LS worked well with a BAT VK500 and
my current McCormack DNA 500. I agree with Czbbcl that you
should not write off anohter CJ amp. Take a look at a
CJ MF2500A (make sure its the "A" revision). I think you
might be surprised how well they work together. Also a McCormack DNA 225 might be another consideration.

Good luck