Ayre K-5xe / tube preamp s comparisons?

I'm strongly considering switching to a tube preamp for my system, to get a bit of that 'tube magic.' I currently have a Linn LP12, Ayre CX-7e cd player, an Ayre K-3x preamp, Ayre V-5xe amp, and Thiel 2.3 speakers. The i-c's are Cardas Golden Cross, and the spkr cable is Cardas Cross.

I've heard great things about the Aesthetix Calypso, CAT SL-1, and VTL 5.5 (my price range doesn't go above these)- and of course, the K-5xe, which given Ayre's designs, has sonic attributes comparable to certain aspects of tubes. (The phono stage is another matter altogether, and I should add that I don't yet know if I should go with something like a Janus, or a P-5xe plus Calypso, or one of the others).

I've found it hard to make definitive judgments about components based upon brief store auditions alone, especially outside my current chain of components and room environment. Also, I don't know of any dealers in this area who carry both Ayre and tube gear, or all three of the tube preamps mentioned. I'd therefore GREATLY appreciate feedback from people who have compared two or more of these units re. their acoustic similarities or differences; how great the differences are (or not); (other) deal-maker or -breaker factors if sound is comparable, including comparisons to the K-5xe; and the like.
In my opinion the Calypso is better than the K-5Xe (which I own). If you go up to the K-1Xe I think it's a different story however. In the past I had a K-3X with a V-3 amp and Cardas Golden Cross interconnects with Cardas Cross speaker cable on some Vandersteen 2Ce Sig speakers. My honest suggestion...change out the interconnects and speaker cables. The Cardas in that setup was very limiting to me. Taking them out, in my opinion, will make it sound like a blanket was taken off the speakers. Also think about upgrading your power cords if you haven't already.
Thanks for your feedback, though I'm curious as to what you specifically preferred in hearing the Calypso. I did buy Ayre interconnects, but given that I have Thiel 2.3's in a room that currently is very acoustically live, I have put using them on hold. Ditto w/ the Cross spkr cable- I was advised by a couple of those familiar with these products that these Cardas selections could help me 'tune' my overall sound. Were I to buy Vandersteen Quatros- which I'm considering- the less forward sound and slight improvement in tonal balance would definitely lead me to use more neutral, less 'laid-back' cable. As for power cords, I'm quite interested in your suggestions (Ayre will soon be coming out w/ their own, but could be expensive). What worked for you when you had your Ayre gear?
One limiting factor with Calypso may be form factor. It is quite large front to back especially.