Has anyone had good experiences with trading?

I am thinking about going from separate pre and power to an intergrated. Has anyone here had good experiences trading equipment or should I just sell what I have first.

Thanks in advance for your input.
I'd sell and buy in two separate transactions. By attempting to trade only, you limit your market to those who meet all of the following condones: 1) want what you have, 2) have what you want, 3) and are willing to make the trade (with or without concessions). Going about the process into two separate transactions greatly increases your ability to move your goods, as the purchaser only has to have currency (not a desired commodity). Plus, you open your options to acquire product other than what may be offered in a trade.

Bottom line - I'd sell the pre and power amp and then take those dollars to the used market to get the integrated you want (rather than settle for what may be offered).
I have traded many times without issues on either side. I will only trade with another member with at least 30 positive feedback.
Why not list your items with "Trades welcome" in the ad. I've done several transactions with trade as part of the payment either way.
I would think trading is ok but kinda limits you to finding what you really might want. I realy think your better off selling what you have and go on the used market and find exactly what your looking for.To me the best bargains are from those guys/girls that seem to buy every six months and can't figure the whole thing out...There are many great deals out there.You just have to do your homework!