Has anyone had good experiences with trading?

I am thinking about going from separate pre and power to an intergrated. Has anyone here had good experiences trading equipment or should I just sell what I have first.

Thanks in advance for your input.
I've had quite a few successful trades as well. I like them because they eliminate a step or two, so that you get the gear you want faster. It's also more fun, I always am interested in what people may offer in trade, and what they might accept in return. The only downside is that sometimes, usually with people with less experience, the other party can be a bit unrealistic as far as what their gear may be worth in trade. Other than that it's all positive.
It's nice to know that Audiogon is open to "audio swingers" and that they consider "swapping" and "trading" good, clean fun.
I've often thought it would be a great idea if two A'goners traded their equipment with each other on a time basis, say 30 days. It would be a great way to try different pieces of gear in ones own system without any outlay except shipping charges (I realize on some equipment shipping can cost a few bucks). It would be sort of an in home audition for each other. Anyone else think this would work?

Mike, a few years ago I traded amps with an A'Goner and it was both fun and educating.

You hit the nail on the head. It would be very educational to be able to do some "good clean swapping". Imagine being able to try 4, 5 or 6 different cd players in one's own system just by A'Goners swapping with each other, each giving the other's player a whirl in their system. Maybe then the different opinions everyone expresses would be based more upon actually having heard a piece of equipment in their system versus opinions based on speculation without having actually heard something or from hearing it in a showroom or at a demo. Just a thought.
