Tube Preamps...I'm sold

At the constant urging of my friend I finally decided to audition a tube preamp (Eistein The Tube). All I can say is I am completely sold on the benefits of tubes in my system. I am not sure I have the vocabulary to describe what I heard but everything just sounded right. Vocals has a realism that made it seem I was in the same room as the musician. Instruments sounded like they were supposed to. There were details I have never heard before. What is amazing to me is that I have what I believe to be a pretty good ss preamp (Classe CP-700).

Ok, now for the hard part...finding the right tube preamp. The Einstein is amazing but I want to audition more. Can anyone suggest a tube pre in the range of $10K and less? I would love to some one with an output trigger and very fine volume control (0.5db). Thats all I need.

Thanks in advance.
I count at least 14 different plugs for Placette by Teajay.
I appear to have about 5 for Shindo.
So there! Jmcgrogan2
Hello all,

First let me than Cliff for his positive comments on Shindo. Cliff is not an employee but a very enthusiastic and loyal client with all good intentions.

Cliff makes some very interesting points about Shindo and how it plays with others. Its definitely designed and voiced as a complete system- everything has been done for you- cable, tubes, cord etc. It has a recipe that works. Cords like the Harmonix are excellent- on something other than a Shindo. When mating it with foreign systems its very much luck of the draw- it often works very well but it occasionally just doesn't click. Shindo is designing his system around high sensitivity speakers which convey nuance, detail, dynamics, subtlety. Its not hyped or designed to punch its way through dull systems. It doesn't respond well to tweaking. The tubes are rolled and should last many thousands of hours thanks to the types of tubes employed and because they're run easy.

If I can put some words into Cliff's mouth and help him explain what I believe he was trying to convey when he said detail and sound stage are for amateurs: Shindo, in a Shindo system, brings you to a place where music takes over and the system vanishes. Its not about looking at details and sound stage, its about the musicians, music and emotion. Detail is there, sound stage is there- in proportion and natural.

Best regards,
>>I believe he was trying to convey when he said detail and sound stage are for amateurs<<

No that's wrong. His original quote is:

"Might want to give great tube electronics a try and get back in touch with the music. Details and ss are for young beginners who don't know any better".

in which ss is clearly an allusion to solid state not sound stage.

He doesn't need apologists. He needs more experience.
Audiofeil,old age does not necessarily equate to the ability to make sound judgments in any field,and the evaluation of audio components is no exception.
And yes I am an amateur in audio.I don't make my living selling audio or anything related to it.
I vote for equipment with my own money and have to pay for everything I try.
I guess I will never aquire more "sense" about things audio,because I will never waste anymore of my money on SS gear that is hawked to to the audio masses by guys who have lost half their hearing and by companies that issue endless new revisions of the same old junk that wasn't very good when it first came out decades ago and isn't any better now.
I don't need your approbation or any one elses when evaluating equipment,I only need my ears.
And how do you like this statement:Solidstate SUCKS!
(Good) TUBES RULE!!!!!!
Clfcarney, let me comment on your statement that, "... 14 different plugs for Placette by Teajay". Yes, I shared on many different threads information on the Placette Active Line Stage regarding its sonic performance, build quality, and its very reasonable price, but not in the context of putting down other people's gear or their listening preferences.

On every review or thread I have ever posted I always state their is no BEST in the world, but many fine pieces of gear and personnal taste and system synergy are always the final factors.

Unfortunely, I believe because of your passion towards your Shindo gear and your unkind remarks towards other's listening preferences, it came across as if you don't have Shindo gear your really can't have a reference system or be involved with the music. That's way, in my opinion, you appeared to be a "schill" to John.

Everyone, including Jonathan the importer of Shindo gear has been a true pleasure to communicate and work with, and in no way was I putting down this fine line of gear. I have come to no conculsion regarding the Shindo preamp in my system yet, but either way I already can tell it's a very fine preamp, it just might be a different "flavor" that I personnally will not like as much in my system compared to other linestages I have auditioned.