Integrated under 1K new/used

I am looking to go the integrated route. Presently running a Adcom GFP 565 and Adcom 5300 Amp. I am open to tube/SS options, Jolida, Portal Panache, Krell 300il are a few that spark my interest. Any others? I will be powering Monitor Audio S8's.Other associated gear is a Denon 2900, Musical Fidelity X10 V3 and Kimber 1010 and Nordost Red Dawn I/C's and Kimber 8TC Bi-wire Speaker cabling. As always, input would be appreciated.
YBA design (after audio refinement died) would be a good match for your Monitor Audios. Don't know if they can be had used yet. But, the price new is 1500 so I expect a used piece to be under 1000 dollars..
Panache is an excellent amp - I have not heard the Monitors - suggest you contact Joe Abrahms at Portal Audio and ask him if they are a good match. What music genre do you listen to?
I am also interested in the Audio Refinement Complete but, is 50WPC enough to power my Monitor Audio S8's?