Adjusting tubes for bias and other tube hassles

OK I'm a newbie here and am thinking about jumping into tubes. (Have sent final tuition payemnt to last child's college.) Am concerned about the hassle of such things as "adjusting for bias," etc. that I've read about. Is it anything that a basically non-handy person has to worry about?
Adjusting the bias on the majority of today's tube amps is extremely simple. Quite a number of manufacturers now include "auto-biasing" circuits so there is nothing for the user to do. Where manually adjusting the bias is still a requirement, it's usually accompished very simply by turning a screw until an LED turns off or a meter shows a given setting. And biasing is only a very occasional maintenance task one new tubes have settled in a bit. In sum, for the majority of manufacturers today, this is not something to be concerned about -- easy to learn and then do.
I bought a pair of older VTL 300 Deluxe Mono Blocks and didn’t have a clue about biasing. Like you I asked a few questions here, which sent me to VTL’s home page. The instructions were posted there. I had to go to Radio Shack and buy a Digital Multi-Meter, I don’t remember the price but it was cheap. The instructions were easy to follow. It’s kinda like changing wiper blades on a new car. It look complicated but it’s easy.

I do it when I re-tube them and twice a year after that, takes 10 minutes.

Good Luck
I think the biasing and other hand-on "hassles" you describe, including rolling, testing, etc. are part of the allure of using tubes. Just like the experiences of LP playback (cleaning, setting up your table, etc.) make it unique. As they say, the journey IS the destination. If you don't hassle-free equipment. Stay away from tubes.