FM Acoustics Amplifiers

A lot has been said about how great these pre and power amplifiers are. Are they worth the high prices? Would appreciate some comments on their performance as well.
Gregm, of course I was joking. The fact is: many audiophiles (mostly in South East Asia), but also world famous artists like Yo Yo Ma and late Leonard ("Lenny")Bernstein think FM Acoustics power amps (and preamps as well) are much better than the offerings from Madrigal and Krell. So, I'm just curious what could be the reason for this: Better parts quality/matching? Better engineering? Designer's kharma? Voo doo magic? The almost insane price tags?

Are these really class A amplifiers? Judging from the casings, it doesn't seem like they are. Pure class A amplifiers have huge heat sinks (like Gryphon, etc.).
If you are talking about high bandwidth amplifier designs, two others are Essence and Spectral. My Essence Emerald II amp has a bandwidth of more than 5 MHz. The thing you have to be careful about in most of these designs is the amplification of RFI and EMI noise.