Considering Int. Amp w/ limited features NEED HELP

Ok, so I've been researching my ass off on an intergrated amplifier that has a lot of power, is in my price range and is highly reviewed. Originally I had my eye on the Outlaw RR2150 as it has an incredible amount of features, but it seems that the Dussun DS99 gets much better reviews, and it is the same amount of money. The only problem is that it has some key features missing that I want.

It doesn't have a remote control, but I really don't care - I tend to never use them anyway.

The two things it IS missing though that I don't know how to overcome are an input for a sub (which I don't have yet, but would like to get eventually) and any kind of tone control - just volume control.

I'm a newbie to the audiophile world who is used to a loudness control and a graphic equalizer. I'm planning on jettisoning my graphic equalizer as I move into the lower end of hifi, but to not even have a knob that can give me more or less bass or treble seems a bit scary to me as I'll be stuck with whatever comes out of the thing with nothing to adjust but volume. Is there any way around this?

Also, is there any way to later add in a sub with no sub input?

I know the obvious solution is to choose another amp that has all the features I want. If you can find me another amp for $600 (new or used) that can give 100wpc and has everything I want including stellar reviews, I'm open to hearing about it. Otherwise, I'd like to find out how to make what I'm looking at here work...
I assume you mean sub output. You don't need one. Most subs provide a speaker level input. You just run a second set of speaker cables from your amp to the sub. You can even use the same speaker terminals you're using for your spakers.

Good SYSTEMS don't need tone control.
The Qinpu A-1.0X has tone controls, puts 100 WPC into 8 ohms and 160 WPC
into four, gets stellar reviews and has a remote. I think it may also have an
output for a sub.
The Qinpu A-1.0X has tone controls, puts 100 WPC into 8 ohms and 160 WPC into four, gets stellar reviews and has a tone control. I think it may also have an output for a sub.