ARC Ref 3: Tung-Sol 6550 in power supply?

I have sourced a new production Tungsol 6550 from The Tube Store in Hamilton (Ontario); I intend to use it in the power supply of my ARC Ref 3. Has anyone had any experience with the Tung-Sol TS6550 in the Ref 3? Have you compared it with the original Winged "C" SED 6550C shipped by ARC with this
line stage? Preferences? Reasons?

I have been using the NOS 6550 TungSol Black Plate without any single issue for the past 6 months or so, and so do my two friends.

My guess is that the problem is not 6550 related.
Hi Elberoth,

You were spot on. Problem was related with the combination of ARC socket and pins of 1957 6550. Issue is now solved.

Cheers Broederen.
I thought that I would resurrect this topic perhaps with a little more pertinence to the later Ref 5SE and in particular with regard to comment made by Ethannn back in 08

" 07-13-08: Ethannnn
I would recommend the (blue label) GEC KT88 for this pre."

I would appreciate any further actual user expearience with regard to substituting 6550 with a KT88 in this circuit, given that they are very close in specification.

I did make inquiries with ARC only to received the standard

" We do not recommend , you will comply "

response .

I fully appreciate that there would be no economic incentive for this consideration by ARC , however that is not quite the same as ~

" Whilst we would not warranty support or be liable in instance of this substitution please find attached our considered opinion on a technical/circuit basis alone "

Ironic and timely that this thread has been resurrected. I am planning to replace the ARC supplied 6550 WE tube in my PH-8 phono pre. The 6550 WE has 2000 on it and its time. Not having read this thread, I went ahead and bought a "modern" Tung Sol 6550.

I realize this thread is about the Ref 3. As stated, I will be rolling the PH-8 PS tube. I'll report back with my reactions. Just thinking out loud -- I wonder if the 6550 PS tube in the PH-8 phono pre makes as much difference as tube rolling in the Ref 3.

Btw, I used to own the Ref 3 and have since swapped it for the Ref 5 and then the Ref 5 SE. I mention this because I think the Ref 3 was and is a **great** linestage. IMO, while somewhat different sounding than the Ref 5 (not SE), both are (were) great linestages. I think the SE upgrade does take the Ref 5 to another level, but I gotta tell ya -- the Ref 3 is a classic.
This OP kinda spooked me about the Tung Sol 6550, so I ordered a 6550 WE from ARC. I should get it in a couple of days. In the meantime, I'm using the TS 6550. I'll swap the TS out for the WE when the WE comes in. I'll report back with reactions.