Anyone heard about the new Mcintosh MC2301's?

I'm putting my name on the list for the new MC2301 mono tube amps from Mcintosh. just wondering what the word is on them from people who keep up with this more than I.
I should be getting my MC 2301's later this week (FedEx delivering) I am getting jittery just thinking about the arrival of these gorgeous amp. I will be running them along with the Mcintosh C1000T preamp, speakers are Sonus Faber Guarneri. I will be giving updates as I listen to the new system.
Hooked up the MC2301's with my Mcintosh C1000T preamp last night, speakers are Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage. The new stuff replaces a Mcintosh MC2102 amp and Mcintosh C2200 preamp, no comparison. The 2301's are breathtaking in the performance they offer. Dynamics (Low or high volume), resolution, quiteness, detail, soundstage, attack etc....These are the best amps I have ever listened to bar none. I would highly suggest them to anyone, I'm so glad I did not go with a second MC2102 and run them bridged. Living large as they say!!
any thoughts how MC2301 would play with Tannoy Westminsters?I have heard they work great with BW speakers.
hellooooo!nobody can answer about synergy McIntosh 2301 with Tannoy Westminsters?
Well I can answer myself,yes awesome combo that it is,sounds powerfull and musical,huge 3d soundstage,great resolution with awesome dynamics and it has big reserves for unexpected dynamic pasages.I am loving the sound&look.