Amp switcher for 2chnl to HT?

OK, here's the idea: I want to get the best of both worlds and have a 2 channel system in the same space as an HT setup. I am getting B&W N803's as new fronts for my HT. Clearly they deserve/demand great amplification. My HT rcvr is good enough for HT, but not great for 2 chnl. So I could run another great 2 channel amp from the pre-outs, but what if I want to use a great integrated, then what? And what if I want to really go crazy and add a great CDP to the equation? So I started thinking that maybe I could use an amp switcher (if something like this exists) and I could run a parallel 2 chnl system. Is this doable? Does this make sense?

HT bypass is not required, it is just a bit more convenient. You can do the same thing using an integrated without HT bypass. You simply use an unused set of inputs, i.e. AUX, tuner, etc. and connect the L&R front pre-outs from the receiver to this unused input on the integrated amp. When you want to play HT, you will need to select this input on the integrated and set the volume control on the integrated to a pre-defined value (like top dead center, 5, etc.) When you calibrate the HT you will need to set the integrated's selector switch to this input, and set the integrated's volume control to this pre-defined value. Then everytime you play HT you will also need to set the volume on the integrated to this pre-defined value.

Once you do it a couple of times it will become second nature.

Don't give up on trying to find an integrated with the HT bypass. However, if you find one you love that doesn't have it, it's still workable.


Reubent: can I just hire you as my audio consultant and you can come over and fix everything for me, lol!?!?! I can't thank you (and everyone else of course) enough for all the invaluable information. I just got my Nautilus 803's and HTM1 and they sound great even through the 130wpc Pioneer VSX 49tx, but not as good as what I heard through the Cayin at a dealer recently (although through the newer 803S). So I'm really excited to move to the next phase of this project, which is to get that better amp (and maybe a really good outboard dac, oh, and that Cullen Sonos mod, oops, and I forgot about those new B&W DS7 surrounds, and.....the list goes on!!! (oh yeah, maybe I need to try some new cables too, hehehe)
Thanks again everyone...Jeff

No problem. AudiogoN is a community and we try to help out fellow members. At some point, everyone was at the place you are today. I've learned a lot from the folks on the AudiogoN forum and I'm happy to share my experience.


Reubent, sorry, but another dumb question. If I use the pre-outs to an unused input in the integrated, am I not (for lack of a better phrase) "double preamping" the signal? Wouldn't that possibly color/alter the sound somewhat, both in two channel mode (signal runs through the rcvr's preamp then to the integrated's preamp then on to the integrated's amp)? Same for movie mode (same scenario) whereby the blending of the HT speakers, especially the front 3, might be affected since there are two different signal paths? I assume this is why they created HT bypass in the first place, no? Thanks again. Jeff

Yes, you will be sending the signal for the L&R front channels through 2 pre-amp/volume controls when playing HT sources. It is not the optimum setup, however it will not cause any problems. Considering both pre-amps/volume controls are only in the circuit during HT playback, it may not be noticable at all. Most front channel output comes from the center channel during HT playback, so the L&R channels aren't as noticable. Also, because HT is primarily a video sensory experience, where audio is additive to the experience, having absolute sound quality is less important.

Now, if you plan to do a lot of multi-channel music playback, you might want to consider only units with an HT bypass since audio fidelity would be more important.

Of course, this is all just my opinion based on my experience and my tolerances regarding HT sound. Some folks that are more critical of HT sound may have the opposite opinion.

Happy Easter!