McIntosh MC252 amp

I recently moved into a dedicated/larger audio room and have decided to start over..I dont really see too much chat about the 252 amp..I would like to try the McIntosh gear again and build a system around an amp thats in my price range...any thoughts on the 252...thanks
It is the highest value amp McIntosh has ever made, IMO. It sounds almost exactly like the 402 but costs a lot less. I will probably end up getting a 252 myself.

Compared to the many other amps I have heard, the latest McIntoshes are extremely hard to beat. They have a liquidity to their sound that allows music to pour out of the speakers totally unhindered. They have awesome detail and dynamics but not at the expense of emotion, natural timbre, or coherence. You can't go wrong with them.

Can't agree more with the above comments. I own one myself. Check out audiokarma Mac forum for tons of info. on the 252. Good luck!
Ditto on all of the above, and I think the 252 is more popular than we think, for this very reason. It is after all a 501 in disguise, same design/guts and parts, just half current and 2ch....the sound gives that away. And Mc says so.

I posted a video review of the McIntosh MC252 on YouTube.

Just go to YouTube and search for "MC252 review".

I bought mine 1.5 years ago and I am still listening to it practically every day. It's the longest I've gone without a strong urge to upgrade.


I'm using the C2200 pre and MC402 amp and have never felt buyer's remorse. MicIntosh users stay MicIntosh users for a reason - the stuff costs so much you can't afford to upgrade!